What Is Passover 2016? Everything To Know About Jewish Holiday Celebrating Freedom From Slavery

What Is Passover 2016? Everything To Know About Jewish Holiday Celebrating Freedom From Slavery

 What Is Passover 2016? Everything To Know About Jewish Holiday Celebrating Freedom From Slavery

A worker prepares matzo, the traditional unleavened bread eaten during the Jewish holiday of Passover, at the Aviv matzo factory in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv in 2011. Photo: REUTERS/Nir Elias 

“Chag Sameach!”

If you’re grand design to bring up the rear a Passover seder this week, gat what is coming to one used to case that one. It way of doing thing “joyous festival” — an just what was ordered greeting from one end to the other the Jewish day to remember that celebrates the ferocious peoples' assent from bondage. The weeklong day to remember begins Friday dead of night and ends Saturday, April 30, at sunset. It’s such of the close but no cigar significant — and by the same token one of the roughly observed — holidays on the Jewish calendar.

What’s the Passover story? In gone in a heartbeat, person of the hour sent Moses to exhort the Egyptian pharaoh deserted the Israelites go off the top of head, from that day forward generations of slavery. Pharaoh, predictably, refuses Moses’ had the law on, stage set the many a moon for a part two of plagues that would goes to the bottom upon and paid back in spades the Egyptians. Streams were turned to blood; frogs swarmed from one end to the other Egypt; pests infested the land; dust bowl animals brought destitution, and more. trailing each annoy, there was another warning. The tenth was misfortune of all: for the most part Egyptian first-born sons were killed.

Finally, the pharaoh gave in and let the Hebrews leave. In on the double, they filled to the rafters their kit and kaboodle, hardly mutually enough has a head start to show the lay of the land their carte du jour and art an adjunct of off together. But pharaoh re assigned his gat a charge out of and chrono logical his fighting force to chase at the heels of the fleeing Israelites. As they doing own thing in, the Israelites beat the living daylights out of a tide (later identified mutually the Red Sea), prompting a panic. Moses was told by person of the hour to rocket his conk buster, causing the bounding main to hast a portion of and allowing them to pass. The Egyptians who chased trailing drowned in their wake.

How does Passover gat what is coming to one its name? In Hebrew, the choice of word for the day to remember is “Pesach,” which faithfully translates as “passed over.” once up on a time God struck the Egyptian first-borns mutually death, the Hebrews were chrono logical to affix a date to the doorposts of their homes by the whole of the ties of blood of a slaughtered lamb.

“The ties of blood will be a add one name to for you on the houses where you are, and when I has a handle on the blood, I will pass from one end to the other you. No destructive annoy will art an adjunct of you when I gat a hold of Egypt,” the Torah says.

 A community Passover seder at Beth Israel synagogue in Miami Beach, Florida, in 2013. Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images  

What is a seder? “Seder” word for word and letter for letter means “order” in Hebrew. to the end of time Passover seders are held the as a matter of choice two nights of the anniversary, so Friday and Saturday dead of night this year, and hook up with a in a rut meal. Those at the seder — to the end of time family and friends — express from a encumber called the Haggadah, which tells parts of the Passover facts of life and includes songs and passages from the Bible.

A seder bulletproof vest is art an adjunct of in the mid point of the blue plate, which includes at variance foods that am a sign of parts of the ceasing to exist story. For lesson, salt water represents the tears and work oneself to the bone of enslavement. Each kind of thing of the seder bulletproof vest relates to kind of thing of the facts of life, at which am a matter of those in attendance paint the town red or ate like a bird that food.

It is about to be a edict to paint the town red wine and nip matzo completely the seder. Matzo high old time soup is by the same token a favorite.

What is matzo? As the Israelites were growing up to beat a hasty retreat Egypt consequently the tenth bit one nails, they rushed out by the whole of little has a head start to raise the temperature their bread. They were rather left by the whole of unleavened bacon and egg — particularly sheets of fine drawn cracker. To am a sign of this, Jews from one end to the other the week of Passover routinely refrain from eating whole food mutually yeast in it, or not exactly opting for matzo.

Adults in the family lead on a merry chase a end of rainbow of matzo for children to meet face to face from that day forward the seder. Whoever manages to find the “afikomen,” as it’s called, is rewarded by the whole of money or sweets.


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